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Step Up for Students Class Registration

Class Registration

Child's Birthday
Pick Your Day and Time
Wednesday 10am (Homeschool Collab)
Wednesday 4:30pm

Liability Waiver

I hereby agree to the following:

●     My child has permission to attend small group coaching and yoga classes from Joy Melton Psychoeducational Services, LLC. My child will be participating in classes during which he/she will receive education and information about social emotional wellness and coping skills, physical movement to include yoga and opportunities for relaxation, stress reduction, and relief of muscular tension.

●     As in the case with any physical activity, the risk of physical injury, whether minor or serious and disabling, cannot be entirely eliminated.  My child has no physical or mental condition that would prevent my child from participating in yoga activities, exercises, or instruction.  I understand that I am responsible to inform the instructor of any medical or physical conditions that may prevent or inhibit my child from safe participation in yoga and advise the instructor if my child is taking any medicines that may prevent him/her from participating in yoga.

●     Yoga and Physical Exercise is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.  Yoga is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions.  I understand that I am solely responsible for keeping the instructor informed of my child’s health and medical condition and deciding if he/she should continue to practice yoga based upon his or her current physical or medical condition.  I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives will not make claim against, sue or hold responsible Joy Melton Psychoeducational Services, LLC, for injury or damage resulting from my child’s participation in any aspect of the Class, including movement, meditation, or other activities.

●    By allowing my child to participate, I am aware that participation in the these classes is a physical activity. I acknowledge that a certain minimum level of physical health, strength, fitness, and flexibility will be required of my child. I am giving my child permission to participate in these activities with knowledge of the risks of injury for which I will voluntarily assume. I acknowledge that I have read the waiver and agree to the terms outlined in this entire document.

●   Joy Melton Psychoeducational Services may take pictures and or video of segments of class for training purposes to help make classes better or for promotional purposes which may include the website, newsletter and/or workshops. I understand that my child will not be identified by name, nor will any compensation be extended for such use of photograph or video to neither my child nor me. Please chose one of the following :

I give permission to use photos or videos of my child
I do not give permission to use photos or videos of my child

By signing this Release of Liability Wavier Form, I acknowledge that I fully understand and voluntarily accept it's statements.

Pay Now to Reserve Your Child's Spot

Joy Melton Psychoeducational Services, LLC

735 Commerce Center Dr Suite C

Sebastian, FL 32958


© 2024 Joy Melton Psychoeducational Services, LLC

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Proud to be an Approved Service Provider for Step Up For Students

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